Watch Matt at the P. V. Chamber Candidate Forum
Watch Matt Watch Entire ForumThank you Prescott Valley Chamber of Commerce for continuing the tradition of organizing one of the best candidate forums in our area.
Happy 50th Anniversary PV Chamber!

Why did you decide to run for Town Council?
I decided to run because I enjoy serving my community, and I was encouraged by a broad spectrum of residents to run for Town Council because of my experience in governance. I love Prescott Valley and have a lot to offer my community. I have held nine elected, appointed and/or volunteer positions over the last 17 years, totaling over 7,000 volunteer hours served, and I have made more local “board level” decisions for our community than any other candidate. I would also represent a demographic of our community on council that is underrepresented.
Read MoreVote YES on Home Rule
Since 1981 Prescott Valley Has Been Under “Home Rule”
Click To Learn MorePrescott Valley Tribune ArticleVote YES
on Home Rule
Don’t Let Phoenix Make Decisions for Prescott Valley
Home Rule Analysis – The NumbersEconomic Development
Economic Development is essential to a thriving economy. We need to attract more Light Manufacturering, Healthcare, Tech and Aerospace to our region. Providing future jobs for our children so they can stay in our community.
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Metered Growth
Growth is important for the long term needs and sustainability of the Town itself – but we need to be able to properly manage growth, and changes in the law are going to be necessary in order to do that.
We also need to be looking at other solutions to mitigate water usage, such as rain barrels or residential cisterns. Other municipalities are giving rain barrels away for free to homeowners and businesses through public/private partnerships, and I feel this is something we can and should do here. We live in the desert and always have to be mindful of that.
Elected, Appointed or Volunteer Positions
Decisions Made
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Recently, all Town Council Candidates were asked to provide answers to the following questions. QUESTION 1:As a Councilmember how will you include citizens in the decision-making process and how willyou[…]
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Matt’s Policy Preview
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Matt’s Story
My wife Desi and I have lived in Prescott Valley for over 10 years and in the area for nearly 20 years. My grandparents first introduced me to Prescott Valley[…]
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